Prepare Your Heart ~ Advent’s Greatest Invitation

Slow down, even if just for a morning, and join us as we say “Yes” to Advent’s invitation to Prepare Your Heart for the Lord’s continual arrival into our lives. Come and be part of a reflective, prayerful, and engaging morning as we notice, pause, and stay alert. Interrupt the busy days, especially during a month where the pull for our attention is great and the pressure to rush through Advent is all around us. Come and say “Yes” to Advent’s greatest invitation to notice pause and
Prepare Your Heart.

Morning Retreat Schedule
9:00 am:   Registration / Coffee, Tea, muffins
9:30 am:   Program
12:30 pm: Lunch
Participants are welcomed to stay after lunch to pray in the chapel and to spend time in the quiet spaces of the Mother Boniface Spirituality Center.

Program Facilitator: We are delighted to welcome Stephanie McCarthy. Stephanie finds joy in developing and facilitating prayerful and reflective experiences. She comes with an extensive background in retreat design, campus ministry, and group facilitation.

Registration:  $45.00 ~ includes program, a morning light snack, and lunch.

Registration Options
Mail: Download and mail in the REGISTRATION FORM
Call us directly to at 215-350-1830
Online: Click on Register Now below.


Dec 02 2023


9:00 am - 12:30 pm

